Bienvenidos a compartir en el Espíritu de Dios

Hola a todos los que visitáis este blog. ¡Gracias por entrar! ¡DIOS OS BENDIGA!
En este momento empezamos a compartir nuestras vivencias y, también nuestras oraciones.
Rezo por vosotros. Rezad, también por mí. ¡GRACIAS!

¡Jesús es amor sin límites!

¡Dios te ama!¡Él esta vivo en tu corazón!

¡Que Dios os bendiga cada día de este año 2025

MªEsperanza Román

¡Alabado sea Dios Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo!
Sólo Jesucristo es el camino, la verdad y la vida. ¡SÓLO JESÚS SALVA! Léelo en la Biblia.

¡Te basta mi gracia!

Reza ante el Santísimo por tu familia, amigos y enemigos...¡Él es el Todopoderoso!

¡Oh Señor, pongo en tus manos la sangre derramada por todos aquellos niños muertos en el vientre de sus madres a manos de los hombres, únela a la sangre de tu hijo Jesús que derramó por todos nosotros para la remisión de todos los pecados del mundo! Acoge, Señor esta oración. Tú que vives y reinas por los siglos de los siglos. Amén

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015


by pajares95
08-11-94 J. Why are you in such a hurry to get up? F. It's because I have to pray and I have to force myself. You know I'm pretty lazy. J. It's all right to force oneself, but not at the cost of losing interior peace. Why such a hurry to do things? You lose your temper easily and lose peace. You don't trust Me enough. That's why you become worried. Do you think that because you hurry you are going to alter the rhythm of what it is and what it will be? Come on, little daughter, talk to Me from the heart. Don't you know your Friend anymore? I have already paid the price of your happiness. Always meet your great Friend, and we will live a great love story together. You know that for my tiny ones, I am all Love and Sweetness. I let Myself be reached by them because they are My delight. Many times I am not like I'm presented. Then My little friend gets confused. That is why, come to the Source that I Myself am. F. Jesus, I almost always pay more attention to what they tell Me of You than what my heart inspires me to. J. Little daughter, you know I have no secrets for you. F. But the world carries me away. J. It's never too late to return. I'm your God and I'm your Friend. I give Myself to you as the best gift you have never received. F. Jesus, I believe I'm falling in love with You. J. But the best hasn't come yet. F. I want to be the most beautiful bride You've ever had in this world. I know You can make me more beautiful. J. I only want to give you beautiful things. Don't close your heart to Me. I want to give you the treasures of My Sacred Heart. Let yourself be loved, tiny little daughter. Don't leave all I want to give you locked in Myself. Little daughter, I'm anxious. Tell Me "Yes". Today I have embraced My little daughter, and I have given her new life. Little daughter, do not be afraid of suffering. Do you know who you are talking to? To your God, to your Love. F. And You know that the greatest enemy is within myself, and I can't get rid of it. J. Forget everything to remember only Me. Do you want a boyfriend? Well, here I am. Leave the future in My hands. I am the Beautiful Love. Do you want to accept Me as your Great Love? F. Why are You like this with me, so affectionate? J. Because I love you, and don't ask any more questions. F. Jesus, I need my father, too. My mother used to be my support, but now she is not here. J. I can be whatever you want: boyfriend, friend, father. You are not alone, little daughter. My angels surround you and protect you. They sing for you, My little pearl. F. (I'm happy because the most extraordinary man in the world proposed to me. Of course, I said "yes". Now I've got a boyfriend).

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